Good News: Hannah Clark

What a story! This is too neat!

A 12-year-old girl from South Wales is believed to have become the first heart transplant patient in the UK to have her donor organ removed and her own heart brought reinvigorated.

Hannah Clark, who has also suffered from cancer, had the operation, carried out on 20 February, after her body rejected her donor heart. The procedure is important as it shows that surgeons can allow a heart with acute inflammation to rest itself by using a “piggy back heart” before reconnecting their own organ. Previously, patients died or had transplants before their hearts had a chance to recover.

The heart specialist Sir Magdi Yacoub was persuaded to come out of retirement by Miss Clark’s parents to reconnect the dormant heart he cut off 10 years ago.

I had no idea this could be done. I just thought the bad hearts were chucked.

Cheers for Sir Magdi Yacoub!

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