Clowning With a Nuke

Did Al-Qaeda read this?

A peace activist group says a Roman Catholic priest and two military veterans infiltrated a Minuteman III missile silo site in northwestern North Dakota, using sledgehammers and hammers to gain access.

The Wisconsin-based group Nukewatch, in a statement, said the men were able to break a lock and enter the silo site Tuesday morning, paint the word “disarm” on the silo lid and pour some of their blood on the lid.

Minot Air Force Base confirmed that three people “unlawfully entered” the missile site west of Garrison but said they were quickly detained by Air Force security and turned over to local law enforcement officers, who took them to the McLean County jail.

The clowns had time to do all that, yet they were “quickly detained”? It doesn’t add up to me.

And I wonder if any terrorists figure they can do better.

Oh wow.

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