Bowing to Islam Posed Photo?

Maybe I am misinterpreting this:

Pope Benedict tried on Sunday to calm Muslim anger at his remarks on Islam, saying he was “deeply sorry” about the reaction and that medieval quotes he used on holy war did not reflect his personal views.

The head of the world’s 1.1 billion Roman Catholics stopped short of the full apology or retraction demanded by some Muslims for a speech they say portrayed Islam as tainted by violence. It was unclear whether the Pontiff’s words would end the backlash.

Somehow this strikes me as kowtowing to Islam.

And once again we see the irony of a violent Muslim response to having their religion “misrepresented” as violent.

Five churches throughout the West Bank were attacked by Palestinians wielding guns and firebombs.

Firebombings left black scorch marks on the walls and windows of Nablus’ Anglican and Greek Orthodox churches. At least five firebombs hit the Anglican church and its door was later set ablaze. Smoke billowed from the church as firefighters put out the flames

Update: Hey, wait a minute! While this post was uploading, I was looking a little more at the above photo and suddenly thought within myself, “Is this another posed photo from the West Bank? That fire hose appears to be going right through whatever ‘fire’ the water is being sprayed toward.” Then there’s the matter of missing flame flicker. But I’m not a fireman, so maybe this is normal.

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