A “Thank You” Owed?

Is Israel right? Or is even her modern birth a huge mistake?

Thanks to WizBangBlog, I learned about this article by Richard Cohen at the WaPo:

The greatest mistake Israel could make at the moment is to forget that Israel itself is a mistake. It is an honest mistake, a well-intentioned mistake, a mistake for which no one is culpable, but the idea of creating a nation of European Jews in an area of Arab Muslims (and some Christians) has produced a century of warfare and terrorism of the sort we are seeing now. Israel fights Hezbollah in the north and Hamas in the south, but its most formidable enemy is history itself.

What a strange premise for someone with a last name like his. Or does his apparent “Jewishness” give him some insight I don’t have? Possibly.

This fellow over at The American Thinker objects. I tend to agree with his objections.

Actually, I read this article first — Israel’s moment:

All of us in the Free World owe Israel an enormous “thank you” for defending freedom, democracy and security against the Iranian cat’s-paw wholly-owned terrorist subsidiaries Hezbollah and Hamas.

Well, then, I’ll be watching to see how many nations (and individuals) express that thanks.

Should I say, “Thanks!”?

As a nation-state, I believe Israel is doing the right thing in a general sense.

Does that mean I’m thankful for the destruction and loss of life?

What a silly question.

Comment? Sure!

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