I don’t know what airport that is, but it sure looks like an “acceptable” target to my non-terrorist eye.
May God choose to grant all security personal extra perception and protection.
And now, for a little context, from Breitbart:
Air travelers dumped their water bottles, tossed their suntan lotion and waited hours in ever lengthening lines Thursday morning as airports ratcheted up security and delayed flights after authorities uncovered a terror plot in Britain.
In major U.S. airports, guards armed with rifles stood at security checkpoints and passengers were met by signs warning that all liquids were now banned from carry-on luggage. In one terminal at Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport, security workers opened every carry-on bag and all the flights were delayed. “It’s better alive than dead,” said Bob Chambers, whose flight from Baltimore to Detroit for business meeting was delayed more than an hour. “It’s inconvenient, but we’ll make it.” |
To stay abreast of developments, be sure to consult Wizbang and other new media!
Here’s some of Joel Rosenberg’s initial take:
Is there an Iranian connection to this plot? It is too soon to say. Early indications may be pointing to Pakistan. But consider the threat against the U.S. and England that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad issued on August 1st: “When I see the behavior of America, England, and their other accomplices in recent days, I get the impression that they are preparing even greater crimes. I warn them: Know that the fire of the wrath of the peoples is about to erupt and overflow. If you do not put an end to your crimes, know that the ocean of the peoples will soon rage. When the peoples begin to move, they will drag everybody to the defendant’s bench, and will remove them from the throne of power.”
Consider, too, the threat against the U.S. made by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on August 2nd: “Today more than ever, the Muslim peoples are disgusted and furious with the Americans. The Muslim governments, including those governments whose political statements stem from restrictions [that are placed upon them], are disgusted by the insolent and arrogant oppression and are opposed to it. The American regime can expect a resounding slap and a devastating fist-blow from the Muslim nation for its support of the Zionist crimes and criminals, after it has so brazenly violated the rights of the Muslim peoples.” As the investigation unfolds, it may turn out that Iran has no direct connection to this specific plot. But the threat is real and growing: the forces of radical Islam — many, though not all, driven by Iran — are engaged in a winner-take-all battle to liberate Jerusalem and liquidate Israel (the “little Satan”), and to annihilate the United States (the “Great Satan”). As the war against Israel continues to heat up, we must be especially vigilant for new attacks against America, Americans, and anyone who stands with us and Israel at this time. It is also time for the President and his top advisors to begin asking how much longer the Iranian threat in particular can go unchecked. |