A New Tool for Reconciliation?


Pope prays with Mufti:

Did they pray to the same Being?

But on to the title of this post:

Pope Benedict visited Istanbul’s Blue Mosque on Thursday, only the second Roman Catholic Pontiff to take such a step, and prayed silently in another gesture of reconciliation to the Muslim world.

So if the fellow and I that are at odds with each other stand side by side with our eyes closed in alleged prayer, is that a gesture of reconciliation?

And that’s what prayer is about?

Then it seems it wasn’t prayer to any Supreme Being.

Maybe I’m just being picky.

Asked if the Pope had prayed, Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said:

“This was a moment of reflection and meditation. Certainly, this was a moment of personal meditation in a relationship with God. You can even call this personal, intimate prayer but there were no external manifestations or characteristics of the Christian faith.”

I see.

Well, maybe I don’t.

What exactly is that supposed to mean?

But back to the “gesture of reconciliation” bit. Does all this mean the Pope is kow-towing to Islam, acknowledging his faults and recognizing that the fault is his alone for needing to be reconciled?

Ah, never mind the rhetoric.


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