Y2K, EMP, Solar Flares?

War Footing: 10 Steps America Must Take to Prevail in the War for the Free World

If you haven’t known about something else to consider worrying about, World Tribune offers this:

Unfortunately, that scenario is not far fetched. It is the conclusion of a report issued in 2004 by a blue ribbon commission created by Congress. The commission found that a single nuclear weapon, delivered by a ballistic missile to an altitude of a few hundred miles over the United States, would be “capable of causing catastrophe for the nation.”

How is that possible? By precipitating a lethal electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack.

In 2000, concerned about EMP technology, Congress created the “Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse Attack” (the EMP Threat Commission, for short). In its final report, presented in summer 2004, the panel warned that terrorists could indeed execute such an attack by launching a small nuclear armed missile from a freighter off the coast of the United States.

Maybe World Tribune isn’t a credible source.

Maybe the EMP Threat Commission overstated its case.

Maybe EMP ranks alongside Y2K.

Maybe EMP and Y2K co-exist with solar flares as catastrophic cripplers.

Maybe. Maybe not.

God knows. I don’t. I rest in Him.

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