Survivors Find Blessings

Out of curiosity, I did a Google search of news stories with this phrase in them: “for which to be thankful.”

I clicked the St. Petersburg Times (Florida) link with this Associated Press story:

They lost homes, neighbors and cherished communities to Hurricane Katrina. Some are uprooted, far from the only place they ever knew. Others have returned to the cities they love, to pick up the pieces and start over.

They will gather this Thanksgiving with family and friends to reflect back and look forward. But when tragedy scars the soul, what is left to be thankful for?

Blessings, it turns out. Big and small ones. A beloved city that is crippled but stands. Strangers who gave of themselves and became heroes, then friends. School, once a drag, now appreciated. A new life whose future had been uncertain.

Many who made it through the storm have a new understanding of what it means to give thanks. Here are some of their words.

What blessings can you find in your life?

What are some of your words of gratefulness?

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Above all, love God!