News to Bug You

Yeah, I know — awful headline pun.

But the news is awfully buggy this morning, as I read at Yahoo! News:

Bedbugs, the houseguests nobody wants, are back in growing numbers across the USA, and booting them from your bunk can be a lengthy, costly process.

Sixty years after near-eradication, the little bloodsuckers are infesting homes and hotels from New York to San Diego. Why the outbreak? Increased world travel and changing pest-control practices.

“The bugs had become a myth,” says Richard Cooper, an entomologist who runs a family pest control firm in Lawrenceville, N.J. “They were the monster in the closet. People don’t believe they’re real.”

So carry your bug spray and bug bombs and bug repellent and Gold Bond Medicated Anti-Itch Cream if you’re planning to stay in a motel.

Oh well.

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