Justice in America?

Is this politics as usual?

…the Barrett report’s shocking allegations of high-level corruption in the Internal Revenue Service and Justice Department are likely to be concealed from the public and from Congress.

A recently passed appropriations bill, intended to permit release of this report, was altered behind closed doors to ensure that its politically combustible elements never saw the light of day.

That investigation would be a long walk into the unknown, with possibly far-reaching consequences. Prominent Democrats in Congress have spent much of the last decade in a campaign, successful so far, to suppress Barrett’s report. Its disclosures could dig deeply into concealed scandals of the Clinton administration.

I know — this makes the Democrats look bad.

I’m not entirely persuaded the Republicans are superior.

So why do I call attention to this story here?

I don’t know.

1 thought on “Justice in America?”

  1. My Opinion:

    Yes…the democrats look bad.

    No, the Republicans are not superior.

    and …I can’t tell you why you called attention to this..;) sorry..;)…but hey… it’s your blog right..;)


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