Judges in Action

Not dangerous:

Group sex between consenting adults is neither prostitution nor a threat to society, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled on Wednesday, dismissing arguments that the sometimes raucous activities of so-called “swingers” clubs were dangerous.

In a ruling that radically changes the way Canadian courts determine what poses a threat to the population….

It took him this long to figure it out?

A federal judge has resigned from the court that oversees government surveillance in intelligence cases in protest of President Bush’s secret authorization of a domestic spying program, according to two sources.

In India, a good decision?

Adult movies will be banned from television in the Indian city of Mumbai and the state it’s in starting immediately, a two-judge panel ruled today.

And might sixty years later be too late?

A Japanese court on Tuesday ordered Nagasaki’s local government to pay a total of USD 7,076.07 in back benefits to relatives of a South Korean man who survived the 1945 atomic bomb blast at the city.

No More Taxes (as wholesale fees on cigarettes, anyway):

Minnesota will appeal a court ruling that struck down a 75-cents-per-pack wholesale fee on cigarettes that was expected to raise $400 million for the current two-year state budget, according to the governor.

Does this qualify as another good ruling?

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth District on Tuesday upheld a lower court’s ruling that the Ten Commandments are displayed as part of what is called the Foundations of American Law and Government.

And in New York, freedom of creak:

A judge has ruled that a chiropractor reprimanded by the state last year for treating horses should not have been censured.

So how many of these rulings are cases of the judiciary taking into its hands that which it should not?

1 thought on “Judges in Action”

  1. Mark,
    Long time no see. Joe told me that he saw you at a concert. He gave me your website and so here I am! Man, the memories! I don’t know what Joe told you but, I have been married for 16 years and have 4 wonderful children, Stevie 14yrs, Amanda 13 yrs, Leah 11 yrs, Aaron 9 yrs. Man how time flies! Well, I hope this finds you and yours in good health and Merry Christmas. God bless you all.

    ps I would love to hear back from you if you get a chance. Joe said you were a GRANDPA ;}


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