JPII Feared Then?

USA Today (via Yahoo! News) put it very interestingly:

“Be not afraid,” Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, the brilliant Polish theologian, said on the October 1978 day when he became Pope John Paul II.

And it seemed he never was – spiritually, morally, politically or physically – until his death April 2 from heart and kidney failure while thousands prayed in St. Peter’s Square.

It seemed he never was [afraid] until his death.

I know what the writer means. But I wonder if the writer revealed more truth than even she knows.

What would JPII fear at his death? And did he have cause to fear after his death?

But never mind him. He lived his life, died, and received his judgment from the only just Judge.

What about me? And you?

That’s too personal? Fine. Let’s move on to something else in the news story:

Since St. Peter established the papacy….

Now there is something else that, like the theory of evolution, is presented as established fact.

And also this from the story:

He also changed the map of personal faith, with his deep devotion to the Virgin Mary….

Ah, perhaps this clarifies a potential for fear at his death.

Well, anyway, I acknowledge that JPII did accomplish some positive things.

So, let God be the Judge (as though my “letting” Him somehow affects anything). And let Mark Roth believe and live as he ought.

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