Yesterday. In Woodburn, Oregon. With a clear conscience. Aware of the vitriol and/or complaints directed toward the company.
In Woodburn, in my estimation, WalMart drove out KMart. Naughty WalMart. Except, in my estimation, KMart had already driven out PayLess/RiteAid. Oh. Well, then, naughty KMart. Except, in my estimation, PayLess/RiteAid had already driven out Ben Franklin. OK, then — naughty PayLess/RiteAid. But I wonder what business(es) Ben Franklin had already driven out. Probably some mom-and/or-pop operations. Fine — naughty Ben Franklin. Except it’s likely those smaller operations competed against others, driving them away.
Sounds like Darwinian Capitalism — dog eats puppy (ie, survival of the fittest).
Am I saying the fittest is always the most fit to survive? I’m not that silly or deluded.
So, what did I buy at WalMart yesterday? A box of envelopes of a type available nowhere else in town that I’m aware of. And prints of several photos I’d uploaded from home via the Internet.
I suppose I could have gone to Salem (20+ miles one way) to find those envelopes. But it would have cost me way more than the envelopes. Besides, I would have gone on a road and used an automobile which “drove out” horses and wagons and trails from business.
And I likely would have gone to another big business to get the envelopes anyway.
Ditto for the option of ordering online instead of at WalMart.
I could say more, but what’s the use. I don’t have time nor interest.
So I shop at WalMart.
No problem.