Borderline Parallel

The Miami Herald’s headline for the story is interesting (Remember Berlin Wall? Now, think Mexico) yet deeply flawed as an historical parallel.

My recollection of the Berlin Wall is at least three-fold:

  1. It was an intra-national wall.
  2. It was built by the government whose people were “voting with their feet.”
  3. It was there to keep people in.

So when should anyone think of the Berlin Wall when a US-Mexico border fence is discussed?

  1. When the thinker believes the US-Mexico national distinction should not exist. In said case, the thinker would see the fence as an intra-national fence rather than an inter-national fence.
  2. When the thinker believes the fence is to be built by Mexico to keep its oppressed people from choosing freedom in the US.
  3. When the thinker believes the purpose of the fence is to keep people in the United States.

In my view, the parallel the Miami Herald expounds is borderline at best.

If you haven’t yet, at least scan the article/editorial. Notice the words and expressions that serve to plant and foster and anti-fence bias.

Oh, and why should a conservative Anabaptist care about the issue?

Good question. 🙂

4 thoughts on “Borderline Parallel”

  1. Excuse me, but I fail to see the connection between this issue and your question about a conservative Anabaptist caring any more than “borderline.”

    Shouldn’t a follower of Christ care about people and the issues they face. People are risking alot and suffering alot over this issue. Shouldn’t we care? Or does being a “conservative Anabaptist” mean we sit back in our centuries-old tradition and tell them they should be content to live in their country. This attitude sounds so Pharisaical to me. Espeically since we rattle on far too endlessly about the benefits and blessings of a free capitalistic and democratic society and God’s gift us–America. Perhaps, we (or our lifestyle) are more too blame for this problem than we like to think.

  2. Jlapp, a clarification seems in order.

    Why should I care about “the media’s” deeply flawed historical parallels, its biases, and its manipulation of the news? Why should I get worked up about it? Why should I rant and rave (or fuss and fume) about it in my blog when the blogosphere is overweight with such bloggers already. Should I not have a greater mission and motivation?

    That’s what I meant.

    Unless I misunderstand your response, you misunderstood me.


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