In comments obviously for national consumption, Mexican President Vicente Fox . . .
denounced as “disgraceful and shameful” on Wednesday a proposal to build a high-tech wall on the U.S.-Mexico border to stop illegal immigrants.
Concerned about the huge numbers of illegal immigrants streaming across the border and worried it could be an entry point for terrorists, a U.S. lawmaker has proposed building two parallel steel and wire fences running from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Coast. But Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff has said a wall running the length of a border would cost too much.
Mexico has expressed indignation at the idea.
Fox, speaking in Tamaulipas state across the border from Texas, said such extreme security measures would violate immigrants’ rights.
He again called for the easing of U.S. immigration laws to benefit millions of undocumented Mexican fruit pickers, waiters and janitors working north of the border….
Señor Presidente, una idea, por favor. (“Mr. President, an idea, please.”)
- Treat the illegals on your southern border as you would have the US treat illegals on its southern border.
- How about easing your immigration laws to benefit those Central Americans entering (and wishing to enter) through your southern border?
Perhaps you should show the US how it’s done.
Just a (wild) thought.
DISCLAIMER: I have no ill-will for Mr. Fox nor his countrymen (there or here). For the record, Mexico is the land of my infancy, childhood and youth, though not quite of my nativity. I also served there five years as a missionary. I love Mexico and her people.
Nice Disclaimer, but I understand… as for Mr. Fox, I think he should be happy that we are not asking him to pay for half of the fence or wall… to again quote Mr. Savage: ” It’s all about Borders, Language and Culture”…in this case ours. I am for preserving it, Mr. Fox is threatened by it. Our borders have always been open to legal immigrants. We are all the ancestry of immigrants. But I for one am tired of paying for others to be here illegally, and I certainly don’t want my children and grandchildren to have to bare the crushing economic and cultural load that seams to be being forced down our throats.