What’s Your Faith Worth?

Marked for Death

A North Korean man will face public execution for the crime of being a Christian if a worldwide effort by an international ministry fails to free him in time.

The Voice of the Martyrs, an organization assisting persecuted Christians around the world, is seeking the release of Son Jong Nam, a former North Korean Army officer turned underground evangelist.

For more than a year, Son has been held in a North Korean death row basement jail in Pyongyang. He has been beaten and sentenced to public execution as an example to the North Korean people.

Threatened Christians Flee The Middle East

He refused to leave Baghdad, even after the day last year when masked Sunni gunmen forced him and eight co-workers to line up against a wall and said, “Say your prayers.” An Assyrian Christian, Rayid Albert closed his eyes and prayed to Jesus as the killers opened fire. He alone survived, shot seven times. But a month ago a note was left at his front door, warning, “You have three choices: change your religion, leave or pay the jeziya”–a tax on Christians levied by ancient Islamic rulers. It was signed “The Islamic Emirate of Iraq,” a Qaeda pseudonym. That was the day Albert decided to get out immediately. He and the other 10 members of his household are now living as refugees in Kurdistan.

Across the lands of the Bible, Christians like Albert and his family are abandoning their homes. According to the World Council of Churches, the region’s Christian population has plunged from 12 million to 2 million in the past 10 years. […] The flight of Christians out of these areas is similar to the hunt for Jews,” says Magdi Allam, an Egyptian-Italian author and expert on Islam, himself a Muslim. “There is no better example of what will happen if this human tragedy in the Arab-Muslim world is allowed to continue.”

Nowhere is the exodus more extreme than in Iraq.

More from Egypt:

Fanatic Islamist relatives of Eman Muhammad el-Sayed, 26, attacked her two days ago while she and her husband were strolling through a local fair in Alexandria. Although police intervened in the street-side fracas, they promptly arrested the victim herself, allegedly to protect her from her Muslim family.

Each day since then, El-Sayed, 26, has been transferred to a security police headquarters in Alexandria, where inside sources confirmed to Compass that she has been subjected to hours of interrogation and severe physical torture.

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