Riding a Book Is Hard

And writing a book is much more hardest

Yes, you read that right: Riding a book is hard.

I mean, seriously — would you ride it as you would a horse, a camel, or a unicycle?

But no matter how difficult riding a book may be, writing a book is much more hardest.

(Now don’t go puttin’ on airs — I know to say “much more hard,” OK? I just like my way of stressing the point. If the rhymers can have poetic license, why can’t bloggers have superlative permits…at a minimum?)

I got sidetracked. Not only in this post. But by this post. Here’s what I should be doing:

Writer at work...behind the camera
Writer at work…behind the camera

Yep, I should be drinking coffee. Alas, it’s all gone. I finished it off after posing it for this photo. And by then it didn’t have much heat left.

Wait, wait, wait! Don’t hang up on me yet! This truly is a serious post!

Even though this post sidetracks me from the book I am writing, I don’t know how else to give you a progress report on the book I am writing. (No, I have no illusions of riding this book to fame or fortune.)

As you might know (read Ex-Writer Wants to Ditch X if you do not), I have embarked on writing an ebook to self-publish. I must finish the writing and editing phases by August 11 (of this year). I must complete the formatting phases by August 15. I would like to publish it on August 17.

The photo above represents my progress thus far. That accounts for the first four pages of the book. I would like to have the first six pages well drafted by this Saturday night. We’re talking a 56-page book, folks!

You accomplished, prolific, professional writers had better straighten up right about now: you are supposed to weep with those that weep 😥 not laugh at them. 😆

Because writing a book is hard.

Thank you for your support.

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