Ex-Writer Wants to Ditch X


No, a retired writer isn’t wanting to dump a former wife, husband, girlfriend, or boyfriend.

How could anyone do that? Seems like an impossibility to me.

Nope, this post is about something far more exciting. To me, anyway.

If you go by the audio version of the title, you would understand that a certain former writer wants to resume his writing career.

But if you go by the visual version of the title, you could conclude that the former writer wants to restart his authoring career as an e-writer.

In the case of…well…me, both are true.

You read what I wrote right: I want to resume writing with the intent of self-publishing digitally.

But what ever would I write? Or who would be my target audience?

Well, you might be one of the few thousand people who know that for over a decade I wrote Sunday School material for Christian Light Publications. The majority of those years, I wrote each youth lesson’s fourth page, known as “Applications for Youth” (and eventually christened “The Youth Page,” at least informally). Toward the end of my time with CLP, I was writing the teacher’s portion of each youth lesson.

So right now (well, as of 8:01 or so this evening) I envision writing teacher helps and/or devotional commentary for Sunday School lessons.

  • available by the quarter (as opposed to a lesson at a time)
  • available at least a week before the quarter begins (instead of on a weekly basis)
  • available on Amazon for Kindle
  • available directly from me in several formats (wpd, doc, rtf, pdf)
  • available via a members-only site where discussions also could take place ❓
  • available in print also ❓

For how much would I sell it? Oh, I have no idea. A dollar or two? Shrug

Remember, this is a self-publishing vision.

Maybe it’s a nightmare instead. 😯

Besides, I no longer have the abundance of courage, confidence, faith, zeal, vision, drive, and risk-taking I used to have. 🙁

PS: I’ve been encouraged over the years to compile some of my previous Sunday School writings into a devotional-book edition. Our daughter Michayla generously offered to format it for Kindle and publication via Amazon. Maybe I should pick 31 as a one-month devotional as a toe-in-the-water test of interest “out there.” (See previous paragraph.)

Maybe it’d be simpler for me if you would just give me your feedback below… 🙂

I know! If you just want to give a sincere thumbs-up of genuine encouragement for me to pursue this vision, you could click one of the social media buttons below.

5 thoughts on “Ex-Writer Wants to Ditch X”

  1. I don’t “tweet” or have a Facebook page, so I’ll say it here. I think you should go for it Mark.


  2. I’d say go for it. Been contemplating the same thing myself, as of a couple weeks ago. This might start you on a trail where God can use your talents in another direction…

    • As a comment from an accomplished writer, Lester, I really appreciate your encouragement to give it a try. Thanks! 🙂 I’ve started, but it’s a discouragingly slow process, made all the more so by other Discouragement Stimuli. 🙁 (I’m interested in knowing if/when you launch your own ebook!)


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