The Case of the Missing eBook

I think it might be in my head. 😯

Or my heart. (If not both.) But I don’t know.

Do you?

Can you help me figure it out?

Try to think of a missing book or series of articles.

What’s it about?

  1. Practical parenting helps and hints?
  2. How to visit Mexico safely and enjoyably?
  3. Teaching inspiration and helps for adult Sunday School?
  4. Sixteen semi-easy steps to setting up and maintaining a WordPress blog?
  5. Nine things to do to a new computer before “really” using it?
  6. Photos with challenging or encouraging Scriptures?
  7. Staying safe while engaging social media?
  8. A dozen survival tips for those in authority?

I’m just wondering.

Surely there’s an ebook missing out there. A short one. An easy-reading one. A helpful one. A 25-cents-per-page one. A twelve-page one. With a free bonus page. A surely-you-would-sell-fifty-copies one.

What do you think?

PS: This would be in lieu of a devotional book several people have pushed me to publish. For that, I lack the necessary drive, confidence, time, and funds.

2 thoughts on “The Case of the Missing eBook”

  1. Along the lines of #7 above, a good book could be written on maintaining integrity while using social media. I have a book that touches on this called _Habits of the High-Tech Heart_, but it’s not very well written, full of quasi-profound verbiage and quotations from obscure media theorists. I think you could do something better.

    Your other ideas sound good, too. I’d say to take a topic that motivates you and run with it.


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