I think it might be in my head. 😯
Or my heart. (If not both.) But I don’t know.
Do you?
Can you help me figure it out?
Try to think of a missing book or series of articles.
What’s it about?
- Practical parenting helps and hints?
- How to visit Mexico safely and enjoyably?
- Teaching inspiration and helps for adult Sunday School?
- Sixteen semi-easy steps to setting up and maintaining a WordPress blog?
- Nine things to do to a new computer before “really” using it?
- Photos with challenging or encouraging Scriptures?
- Staying safe while engaging social media?
- A dozen survival tips for those in authority?
I’m just wondering.
Surely there’s an ebook missing out there. A short one. An easy-reading one. A helpful one. A 25-cents-per-page one. A twelve-page one. With a free bonus page. A surely-you-would-sell-fifty-copies one.
What do you think?
PS: This would be in lieu of a devotional book several people have pushed me to publish. For that, I lack the necessary drive, confidence, time, and funds.
Along the lines of #7 above, a good book could be written on maintaining integrity while using social media. I have a book that touches on this called _Habits of the High-Tech Heart_, but it’s not very well written, full of quasi-profound verbiage and quotations from obscure media theorists. I think you could do something better.
Your other ideas sound good, too. I’d say to take a topic that motivates you and run with it.
9. How to successfully write, publish, and market an e-book.