“The Years They Have Wasted”

“People who do not know the Lord
ask why in the world we waste our lives as missionaries.
They forget that they too are expending their lives …
and when the bubble has burst,
they will have nothing of eternal significance to show
for the years they have wasted.”
–Nate Saint

Nate Saint (missionary pilot), Jim Elliot, Ed McCully, Roger Youderian, and Pete Fleming were martyred in 1956 at the hand of Waorani (Auca) tribesmen they sought to reach with the Gospel. In 1958 Jim’s widow Elisabeth, along with Rachel Saint (sister of Nate Saint), went to live with the same Waorani tribe.

HT: The Berean Call

Through Gates of Splendor, Elisabeth Elliot

1 thought on ““The Years They Have Wasted””

  1. Have you read that great new book containing Jim Elliot messages?
    “JIM ELLIOT: A Christian Martyr Speaks to You” edited by Russell.
    God bless.


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