Good News: Nature Still Works!

I just got back from a brisk walk up and down (literally) our gravel driveway.

The sun came up again, though I cannot see it because of the clouds.

I saw a robin in the top of one of our trees. Such a neat song it sang.

I also saw and heard two geese couples winging by across the little valley below us.

Several cows grazed close to the driveway. They were close enough I could hear the sound of grass ripping away as they yanked it from its moorings. And in a pasture further away, I heard more of our landlord’s cows, mooing at him as he prepared to haul them hay.

As I trudged back up our steep drive, I heard a pick-up gathering speed on the two-lane road behind me. Even things mechanical prove that nature still works.

The cherry trees are blooming, as are some other trees. The grass is growing quite well. And so are the weeds in our garden plot (and in our yard). Trees are greening out.

Like I say, nature still works. And that’s good news!

Nature still works because God continues to work in our world and in our universe. Praise Him!

1 thought on “Good News: Nature Still Works!”

  1. Hi Mark!
    I am a visitor from WMB and am glad to hear others notice the beauty of God’s creation. He is good and faithful. And lately I have understood more what he meant when he called himself “I AM”. Yeah, I get it! He exists, He is God, and I’m not. That gives me hope and encouragement. Blessings to you, and thanks for the cheerful post!


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